Effective potential and pressure of two-component plasma at high temperature


  • Yu. V. Arkhipov
  • A. Askaruly
  • D. Dubovtsev
  • A. E. Davletov
  • L. T. Yerimbetova
  • I. M. Tkachenko


        58 62


pseudo potential, dielectric response formalism, ideal plasma, shielding.


An effective pair interaction potential of particles for ideal and weakly non-ideal plasma were obtained. It takes into account not only screening and dynamic quantum effects, but also statistical quantum effects. Comparison between other kinds of potentials was conducted. The results for this potential show that our potential tends to a finite value at small distances and lies below Deutsch and Kelbg potentials. At large distances it tends to zero as Debye- Huckel potential. We used this potential for the calculation of plasma pressure and compared our results with simulation data. The calculated pressure values are in a good agreement with simulation one at high temperatures.


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How to Cite

Arkhipov, Y. V., Askaruly, A., Dubovtsev, D., Davletov, A. E., Yerimbetova, L. T., & Tkachenko, I. M. (2014). Effective potential and pressure of two-component plasma at high temperature. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 5(2), 48–51. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7987-2014-5-2-48-51



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics