On the existence of an intermediate liquid state of water and ethanol in the phase transition gas-solid


  • A. Drobyshev
  • V. Kurnosov
  • M. Ramos


        72 69


cryomatrix polyaggregates, hydrogen bond, polymorphic, cryocondensates.


Investigated thermally stimulated trans formations in thin films cry vacuum condensates water and ethanol. The values of the glass transition temperature, equal to water Tg=137±2 K and ethanol Tg=97±2K. Cryomatrix isolation method shows that the cry condensation process in both water and ethanol in a nitrogen cryomatrix formed nanoscale objects of different composition. Based on a comparison with the quantum-chemical calculations of other authors suggest that nano-objects are clusters of water and ethanol in the form officers, trimers, pen tamers, hexamers, and polymers. Based on the data obtained by isolation cry matrix is assumed that the cryocondensation process in pure ethanol and water components in an intermediate step in the adsorption layer is the formation of clusters having a short-range order, similar to the liquid state of water or ethanol. This explains the fact that the values of glass transition temperature Tg of water and ethanol cry condensates coincide with the corresponding values for the samples obtained by other authors directly from the liquid phase by the method of ultrafast cooling.


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How to Cite

Drobyshev, A., Kurnosov, V., & Ramos, M. (2014). On the existence of an intermediate liquid state of water and ethanol in the phase transition gas-solid. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 5(2), 43–47. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7987-2014-5-2-43-47