Numerical simulation of high-ash coal combustion with different moisture content at aksu thermal power plant


  • A. S. Askarova
  • S. A. Bolegenova
  • V. Ju. Maximov
  • Z. Kh. Gabitova
  • R. Leithner
  • H. Müller
  • Ye. Heierle

        53 59


coal combustion, coal moisture, heat and mass transfer, furnace, numerical methods


The main purpose of research is to predict the influence of different water content in coal on overall furnace operation and formation of combustion products. Numerical experiments was carried out on the basis of three-dimensional equations of convective heat and mass transfer, taking into account the heat propagation, heat radiation, chemical reactions and multiphase structure of the medium. This paper presents the results of numerical modeling of high-ash Ekibastuz coal burning in combustion chamber of Kazakhstan Power Plant. Increase of water content in coal leads to reduce the amount of harmful emissions and decrease the average temperature in the combustion chamber.


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How to Cite

Askarova, A. S., Bolegenova, S. A., Maximov, V. J., Gabitova, Z. K., Leithner, R., Müller, H., & Heierle, Y. (2014). Numerical simulation of high-ash coal combustion with different moisture content at aksu thermal power plant. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 5(2), 29–32.