Numerical evaluation of parton distribution Mellin moments


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The detailed comprehension of momentum fraction and energy dependence of proton structure functions is one of the major difficulties in particle physics. Perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) plays as an extensive framework for analysing deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and hadron-hadron collision experiments. In such a framework, where the hard collisions advance through the partonic components of hadrons, a pivotal contribution is imparted by parton distribution functions (PDFs). PDFs provide information about the nucleonic substructure in terms of its components.  PDFs have become more and more convictive following the advent of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Moments of PDFs are important quantities for the analysis of hadronic internal structure. The Mellin moments of such parton distributions in QCD have been discussed and their analyses have been carried out numerically.

Keywords: Proton structure functions, Quantum Chromodynamics, Deep inelastic scattering, Parton distribution functions, Large Hadron Collider.


How to Cite

Jahan, A., & Neog, D. (2024). Numerical evaluation of parton distribution Mellin moments. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 15(2), 16–22.