Ether as an electro-gravimagnetic field, its density and properties


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Based on biquaternion wave (biwave) equations, a biquaternionic model of the ether is developed - an electro-gravimagnetic field, the state of which is described by the biquaternion of the strength of EGM field. Its complex scalar part determines the density of the ether, and the complex vector part characterizes the strength of the electric and gravimagnetic fields. The biquaternion gradient of the ether biquaternion determines the biquaternion of EGM charge-current, which contains in the scalar part the  electric charge and gravitational mass, and the vector part is formed by electric and gravimagnetic currents.  Special cases of these biwave equations are the biquaternionic representation of the Maxwell and Dirac equations. Representations of biquaternion of photons and elementary atoms are obtained as partial stationary solutions of biwave equations with a fixed oscillation frequency. The presence of a gravitational component of the EGM field of the photon is shown, which explains the light pressure. Using the biquaternion model of the atom, a periodic system of atoms is constructed based on the structure of a simple musical scale.
A field analogue of Newton's second law is presented as a biquaternion generalization of the Dirac system of equations. It describes the transformation of the EGM charge-current biquaternion under the influence of an external EGM field. It contains, in addition to all known physical forces, a number of new forces that are proposed for discussion and experimental verification.
The biquaternion representation of Newton's third law of action and reaction in the scalar part is a well-known analogue of Betti's law on the power of forces acting on EGM charges and currents.

Keywords: biquaternion wave, electro-gravimagnetic field, Betti's law, complex vector, bigradients.

Author Biography

L.A. Alexeyeva, Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of Science of High Education Ministry of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Doctor of science, professor of Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, e-mail:


How to Cite

Alexeyeva, L. (2024). Ether as an electro-gravimagnetic field, its density and properties. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 15(1), 33–39.