Analysis of the linearized quantum hydrodynamic model


  • Zh. A. Moldabekov
  • T. S. Ramazanov
        46 51


quantum plasma, pseudopotential, quantum hydrodynamics model, degenerate electrons, electron exchange and correlation effects, random phase approximation.


In this paperthe analytical analysis of the linearized quantum hydrodynamics modelby matching with random phase approximation for degenerate electrons is done.The equivalence of the twoapproacheson the treatmentof spatialcorrelationbetween electronsdemonstrated by dividing all effects on quantum fluctuations on short distance and long range collective effects. It is shown that linearized quantum hydrodynamic model takes into account electron exchange and correlation effects only by shifting Fermi level. Also, the advantages of the linearized quantum hydrodynamics model in comparison with random phase approximation areclearly illustrated.


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How to Cite

Moldabekov, Z. A., & Ramazanov, T. S. (2013). Analysis of the linearized quantum hydrodynamic model. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 4(2), 72–74. Retrieved from



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics