Hierarchy of excitonic formations


  • Z. Zh. Zhanabayev
  • T. Yu. Grevtseva
  • G. S. Asanov
        46 58


Fractal measure, excitonic formations, hierarchical structures, photon energy, excitonbiexcitonspectra, coherent oscillators.


In the present paper we suggest the new fractal model for the description of energetic spectra of excitons and multi-excitons in amorphous, porous nanocluster semiconductors. Because of theirs chaotic structure the well-known analogy between excitons and hydrogen-like atoms is insufficient. Analysis of recent experimental data shows that nanostructured semiconductor films characterized by fractal selfaffine and self-similar structure. These properties haven’t been described by well-known theoretical models. We derive the new equations for the description of energy of excitons and multi-excitons depending on energy of exciting photon. In the theory we have taken into account the nonlinear dependence of bandgap of a semiconductor on photon energy. On the base of the suggested theory we obtain spectra of excitons and multi-excitons in nanostructured films. Also we study influence of value of bandgap, binding energy of excitons and fractal dimension of a set of current carriers on spectra of excitons, biexcitons and trions. Comparison of the results of our theory to the recent experimental data devoted to study of spectra of excitons and biexcitons localized in quantum dots is also given in the paper. Theory shows the existence of most universal regularities of hierarchical systems.


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How to Cite

Zhanabayev, Z. Z., Grevtseva, T. Y., & Asanov, G. S. (2012). Hierarchy of excitonic formations. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 3(1), 36–39. Retrieved from https://ijmph.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/64



Chemical Physics and Radio Phisics