Investigation of turbulent heat and mass transfer in high- and chemically reacting flows


  • A. S. Askarova
  • S. A. Bolegenova
  • V. Ju. Maximov
  • A. Bekmuhamet
  • M. T. Beketaeva
        42 43


numerical modeling, combustion, combustion chamber, thermal performance, reacting mixture.


There were researched processes of heat mass transfer by burning of pulverized coal on the sample of combustion chamber BKZ-75 of Shahtinsk TPS by using of 3D Modeling technologies on the basis of differential equation solution of turbulent reacting flows. Got distribution of vector components of full speed in different sections of combustion chamber, given dependence of velocity vector to the height of combustion chamber, obtained temperature profiles and its distribution on the height of combustion chamber. Set minimum and maximum values of given variables, shown dynamics of changing of given characteristics in the volume of investigated combustion chamber


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How to Cite

Askarova, A. S., Bolegenova, S. A., Maximov, V. J., Bekmuhamet, A., & Beketaeva, M. T. (2012). Investigation of turbulent heat and mass transfer in high- and chemically reacting flows. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 3(2), 174–180. Retrieved from