Theory of energy loss of charged projectiles in magnetized one-component plasmas


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Abstract. The polarizational stopping power of an electron fluid is studied within the quantum random-phase approximation using the canonical solutions of the Hamburger moment problem for the loss function. The loss function is not an even function here of the frequency as in, for example, non-magnetized one-component plasma. Since the loss function is proportional to the inverse longitudinal dielectric function we can deduce that it is a response function possessing consequtive properties. The moments are calculated using RPA longitudinal dielectric function and the asymptotic expansion of the polarization functions. Polarization function is written in terms of generalized Laguerre polynomial, Landau energy level and Fermi-Dirac distribution.  The chemical potential in the Fermi-Dirac distribution obtained from the normalization condition. The final expression for the stopping power contains only one integral of the square of the Bessel function of some integer order and only two summations, one of which is a finite sum.


How to Cite

Tkachenko, I. M., & Rylyuk, V. M. (2023). Theory of energy loss of charged projectiles in magnetized one-component plasmas. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 14(1), 77–83.