Peculiarities of nuclear and photonuclear reactions in crystalline structure of neutron star crusts


  • N. Takibayev
  • A. Sarsembayeva
  • M. Takibayeva
  • D. Nasirova
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Nuclear reactions, photonuclear reactions, effective interactions, neutron resonances, fewbody systems, nuclear astrophysics, neutron star crusts, electron capture by nucleus, Born-Oppenheimer approximation.


Nuclear reactions in three-body systems consisted of neutron and two heavy nuclei and the appearance of the new type of few-body resonances in crystalline structures in lower layers of outer crust and upper layers of inner crust in neutron star envelopes have been considered. The peculiarities of nuclear reactions in this area owe to small distances between the nuclei that are much smaller than the Bohr radius. In this region there are possible new types of reactions, such as the resonances in few-body systems, which are impossible in conventional terrestrial conditions. The simple model of three-body system consisted of one light particle and two heavy particles interacting with separable pair potentials has been investigated and gives the solutions in analytical forms. Within the model, new quasi-stationary states and unusual transitions have been found that are exotic for the twobody problems. An important feature of new resonances is that they occur under certain distances between the heavy particles. In the problem of neutron scattering on the subsystem of two heavy nuclei, the resonant amplitude has the complicated dependence on the neutron-nucleus resonance parameters and the distance between the nuclei.


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How to Cite

Takibayev, N., Sarsembayeva, A., Takibayeva, M., & Nasirova, D. (2012). Peculiarities of nuclear and photonuclear reactions in crystalline structure of neutron star crusts. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 3(2), 144–156. Retrieved from



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics