Quadrupolar gravitational fields described by the q-metric


  • Hernando Quevedo
  • Saken Toktarbay
  • Yerlan Aimuratov
        46 70


Quadrupole moment, naked singularities, q-metric.


We investigate the Zipoy-Voorhees metric ( q - metric) as the simplest static, axially symmetric solution of Einstein’s vacuum field equations that possesses as independent parameters the mass and the quadrupole moment. In accordance with the black holes uniqueness theorems, the presence of the quadrupole completely changes the geometric properties of the corresponding spacetime that turns out to contain naked singularities for all possible values of the quadrupole parameter. The naked singularities, however, can be covered by interior solutions that correspond to perfect fluid sources with no specific equations of state. We conclude that the q - metric can be used to describe the entire spacetime generated by static deformed compact objects.


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How to Cite

Quevedo, H., Toktarbay, S., & Aimuratov, Y. (2012). Quadrupolar gravitational fields described by the q-metric. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 3(2), 133–139. Retrieved from https://ijmph.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/56



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics