The Top-quark physics in hadronic collisions


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This article is devoted to the processes with the participation of the t-quark. The top quarks are one of the most amazing elementary particles. Predictions of the characteristics of various interactions involving the -quark have high theoretical accuracy, as well as -quark has large production cross section which makes it a unique laboratory for testing the Standard Model and beyond. The top quark is one of the important objects in the searches for new effects.

The review includes the main properties of the top quark, the complete theoretical analysis and experimental measurements of top quark processes and the possibilities of searching for manifestations of New physics beyond the Standard Model (SM).

Interactions of t-quarks are described in the framework of the model-independent way and gauge-invariant methods.

Another distinctive feature of study of the t-quark processes is the absence of hadrons containing -quark in nature. So there is a unique opportunity to study the fundamental properties of a  -quark without any hadronization effects.

Keywords: Higgs boson, top quark, Feynman diagram, model independent and gauge invariant method, Form factor, partial width, Standard Model.


How to Cite

Nurbakova, G., Boos, E., Bunichev, V., Habyl, N., Rustembayeva, S., & Temirkhanova, D. (2021). The Top-quark physics in hadronic collisions. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 12(1), 57–71.