Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in combustion chamber of PK-39 boiler


  • Z. Kh Gabitova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M. Gorokhovski Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France
  • A. Septemirova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. Kalybekov al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G. Bulysheva al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Abstract. Over the past decades, the consumption rates of fossil energy resources has not declined, despite fundamental changes in the political, economic and social structures of society. According to experts, the share of coal in the global fuel and energy balance is more than 27%, thanks to which almost 45% of the world’s electricity is generated. For each country in the world, the structure of the national energy balance is determined by the availability of its own sources of fuel and energy resources. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, coal reserves are estimated at 30 billion tons, which is 3.4% of the world’s coal reserves. However, Kazakhstan’s coal is characterized by low calorific value and high ash content, its combustion leads to the formation and delivery of large quantities of pollutants in air, soil and water. Pollution of the atmosphere is one of the global problems of mankind, whose solution is to optimize the combustion process and realization stringent environmental requirements for specific emissions of harmful substances with waste gases. To solve this difficult task, there is a need to improve equipment, introduce new technologies and use alternative methods for organizing a combustion process, the basis of which is to study the processes of heat and mass transfer in the presence of combustion. Irreplaceable powerful method of theoretical research of currents at availability of burning is numerical modelling. The results of a three-dimensional numerical simulation of aerodynamics, temperature flow and carbon oxides are presented. Studies have been carried out for a pulverized-angle flame of various dispersity. A comparative analysis of the obtained results with the results of the field experiment is carried out. The obtained results will allow choosing the optimal variant of the combustion process organization in order to increase its efficiency and reduce the negative impact on the environment.


How to Cite

Gabitova, Z. K., Gorokhovski, M., Septemirova, A., Kalybekov, A., & Bulysheva, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in combustion chamber of PK-39 boiler. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 10(1), 99–106.