Voice verification and identification using i-vector representation


  • M. N. Kalimoldayev Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • O. Zh. Mamyrbayev Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. S. Kydyrbekova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • N. O. Mekebayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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Abstract. In the area of voice recognition, many methods have been proposed over time. Automatic speaker recognition technology has reached a good level of performance, but still needs to be improved. Signature verification (SV) is one of the most common methods of identity verification in the banking sector, where for security reasons, it is very important to have an accurate method for automatic signature verification (ASV). ASV is usually solved by comparing a test signature with a registration signature(-s) signed by the person whose identity is declared in two ways: online and offline. In this study, a new i-vector based method is proposed for SV online. In the proposed method, a fixed-length vector, called an i-vector, is extracted from each signature, and then this vector is used to create a template. Several methods, such as the nuisance attribute projection and the within-class covariance normalization, are also being investigated to reduce the intra-class variation in the i-vector space. At the stage of evaluation and decision-making, they also propose to apply the support vector machine with two classes. In this article, a new low-dimensional space, depending on the dynamics and the channel, is determined using a simple factor analysis, also known as i-vector. I-vectors have proven to be the most efficient functions for text independent speaker verification in recent studies.


How to Cite

Kalimoldayev, M. N., Mamyrbayev, O. Z., Kydyrbekova, A. S., & Mekebayev, N. O. (2019). Voice verification and identification using i-vector representation. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 10(1), 66–74. https://doi.org/10.26577/ijmph-2019-i1-9