Numerical study of supersonic turbulent free shear layer mixing and combustion


  • Ye. Belyayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. Naimanova Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling, Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. Kaltayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • S. Jayaraj Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut-673601, Kerala, India

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 Abstract. Numerical study of two-dimensional supersonic hydrogen-air mixing and combustion in free shear layer is performed. The system of Favre-Averaged Naveir-Stokes equations for multispecies reacting flow is solved using ENO scheme of third-order in accuracy. The k-ε two-equation turbulence models with compressibility correction are applied to calculate the eddy viscosity coefficient. In order to produce the roll-up and pairing of vortex rings, an unsteady boundary condition is applied at the inlet plane. At the outflow, the non-reflecting boundary condition is taken. The influence of different Mach numbers on the formation of vorticity structures and shear layer growth rate are studied. The obtained results are compared with available experimental data and the numerical results of other authors. For the description of reaction pathways of hydrogen, a seven species chemical reaction model by Jachimowski is adopted. The influence of Mach numbers on turbulent mixture and combustion is reported.

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How to Cite

Belyayev, Y., Naimanova, A., Kaltayev, A., & Jayaraj, S. (2018). Numerical study of supersonic turbulent free shear layer mixing and combustion. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 9(1), 27–49.