Strong form factor of delta (1232)


  • G. S. Nurbakova Physico-Technical Faculty, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • N. Habyl Scientific Research Institutes of Experimental and theoretical physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Zh. Zh. Tyulemissov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

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Our article is devoted to study of the D®Np decay. Strong decay D®Np is one of the best modes to search for particles with spin 3/2. Strong decay is dominating channel of decay, i.e. D - isobar decay consist of 99% - hadronic decay, 1% - electromagnetic decay, therefore the decay is important for nuclear research. We calculate relevant form factors in the framework of the covariant quark model with infrared confinement in the full kinematical momentum transfer region. The covariant quark model has been applied to a large number of elementary particle processes. This model can be viewed as an effective quantum field approach to hadronic interactions, which based on an interaction Lagrangian of hadrons interacting with their constituent quarks. The coupling strength is determined by the compositeness condition ZH = 0 where ZH is the renormalization constant of the hadron wave function. We compare the obtained results with available experimental data and the results from other theoretical approaches.


How to Cite

Nurbakova, G. S., Habyl, N., & Tyulemissov, Z. Z. (2017). Strong form factor of delta (1232). International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 8(1), 34–37.