Numerical modeling of pollutant transport in the atmospheric boundary layer using ANSYS


  • S. D. Maussumbekova Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • I. Polyakova Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The purpose of research is to simulate the dynamics of wind velocity distribution, impurities in the atmospheric boundary layer using ANSYS software system. Computational modeling is a basis for successful environmental problems researches, in particularly, to predict the spread of polluting substances, hazardous gas clouds and impurities in the air from man-made sources and optimization the financial costs of environmental measures. The solution of such problems requires the achievement of the following objectives: the mathematical model creation of the atmospheric boundary layer dynamics,design scheme description, setting the boundary and initial conditions, the process of problem solving, convergence solution control,the results processing and analyzing, what was done in this paper.

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How to Cite

Maussumbekova, S. D., & Polyakova, I. (2016). Numerical modeling of pollutant transport in the atmospheric boundary layer using ANSYS. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 7(2), 36–39. Retrieved from