Changing the magnetic field intensity during the motion of spacecraft


  • K. Zhilisbayeva
  • N. Doszhan
  • A. Saspayeva
        69 80


Magnetic field intensity, direct dipole, spacecraft, rotational motion, orientation


In this paper the change of the intensity vector of geomagnetic field during the motion of the spacecraft in orbit in direct dipole model was investigated. The dependences of the intersection point coordinates of the vector intensity of the geomagnetic field with the unit radius Earth sphere were found, their graphs were built and their extremes were determined. The relations of the intersection point velocity of the vector intensity of the geomagnetic field to the unit radius Earth sphere were found, their graphs were built and their extremes determined. The graphs of each component of the geomagnetic field along the trajectory of the spacecraft and the combined graphs were built.


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How to Cite

Zhilisbayeva, K., Doszhan, N., & Saspayeva, A. (2016). Changing the magnetic field intensity during the motion of spacecraft. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 7(1), 56–64. Retrieved from



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