Modeling of the complex impact on the hydrocarbon mixture


  • A. Assylbekuly
        62 70


hydrocarbon mixture, complex effects, mechanical activation and acoustic impact, Navier- Stokes equations, rotary apparatus, rotating disk


The paper deals with modeling of mechanical activation and acoustic influence on the hydrocarbon mixture. The simulation of mechanical activation and acoustic impact on the hydrocarbon mixture is based on the three-dimensional Navier – Stokes equations conjunction with the continuity equation, and the equation for the concentration of the hydrocarbon mixture components in a rotary device. Mechanical activation and acoustic impact on the hydrocarbon mixture is organized by a special rotation of disks in a cylindrical area with the same speed, but in opposite directions. The obtained results contribute to the development of the new technologies of production, transportation and storage of oil and oil products, and may also be useful to industrial enterprises engaged in processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.


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How to Cite

Assylbekuly, A. (2015). Modeling of the complex impact on the hydrocarbon mixture. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(2), 4–15. Retrieved from



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