Stopping power and straggling in two-component plasmas


  • Yu. V. Arkhipov
  • A. B. Ashikbayeva
  • A. Askaruly
  • N. Y. Yerkinbayev
  • A. E. Davletov
  • M. I. Tkachenko
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two-component plasmas, stopping power, straggling, loss function


Stopping power S is one of the tools of plasma diagnostics. Particularly, the "minus first" (projectile) velocity power moment of the plasma stopping power or the stopping high-velocity asymptotic form. Usually, the interaction of target electrons with the plasma ions is neglected. Nevertheless, the target plasma electron-ion static structure factor influenceson the plasma polarizational stopping power. This effect hasbeen studied using the Feynman-like form for the plasma loss function1(,)Im(,)/Lkk stemming from the canonical solution of themoment problem of reconstruction of the system inverse dielectric function1(,)k. The same approach is employed in the present work tostudy the two-component non-ideal degenerate plasma straggling and itshigh-velocity asymptotic form. At the same time, the non-canonical solution of the moment problem is used to calculate the straggling at anyprojectile velocity. Note that in hot equilibrium plasmas (T>>TF) the straggling is just 2(2)BkTS.


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How to Cite

Arkhipov, Y. V., Ashikbayeva, A. B., Askaruly, A., Yerkinbayev, N. Y., Davletov, A. E., & Tkachenko, M. I. (2016). Stopping power and straggling in two-component plasmas. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(2), 64–67. Retrieved from



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics