Significance of confinement in covariant quark model.


  • Zh. Zh. Tyulemissov
  • N. Habyl
  • S. A. Zhaugasheva
  • G. S. Nurbakova
  • G. G. Saidullaeva
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covariant quark model, infrared confinement, local quarks loop, non local quarks loop.


We studied significance of confinment in covariant model of quarks. For this we studied ana-lytical property of quarks’ diagram’s. Calculations were based on two point quark’s loop with scalar quarks. We investigate ordinary local loop case and case with nonlocal crest factor with confiment and without it. To calculation real and imaginary part was used


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How to Cite

Tyulemissov, Z. Z., Habyl, N., Zhaugasheva, S. A., Nurbakova, G. S., & Saidullaeva, G. G. (2015). Significance of confinement in covariant quark model. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 88–91. Retrieved from