Measurement of fresnel diffraction of 29 mev alpha particles on 24Mg, 25Mg, 59Co, 197Au, 209Bi nuclei


  • Y. A. Zaripova
  • V. V. Dyachkov
  • N. T. Burtebaev
  • T. K. Zholdybaev
  • A. V. Yushkov
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elastic scattering of alpha particles, Fresnel nuclear diffraction, method of parameterized phase analysis, even-even nuclei, odd-odd nuclei, nuclear non-sphericity.


The angular distributions of the differential cross sections of elastic cattering of alpha par-ticles on 24Mg, 25Mg, 59Co, 197Au, 209Bi at 29 MeV, obtained on the beam of alpha particles ejected from isochronous cyclotron U-150m with regulated ion energy, were measured. The geometry of the scattering chamber is described and the optimal parameters of the spectrometric system giving best angular resolu-tion of the experimental setup were obtained. The parameters of nuclear targets on which the experiments were made are presented. The areas of Rutherford scattering, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction were de-termined in a wide mass range of incident particles and target nuclei for the ion beam energy 29 MeV, the results which are presented in the form of the "diffraction diagram". The experimental data are described in the framework of the parameterized phase analysis and its analytic version taking into account higher approximations of the parameter of nucleus non-sphericity.


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How to Cite

Zaripova, Y. A., Dyachkov, V. V., Burtebaev, N. T., Zholdybaev, T. K., & Yushkov, A. V. (2015). Measurement of fresnel diffraction of 29 mev alpha particles on 24Mg, 25Mg, 59Co, 197Au, 209Bi nuclei. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 82–87. Retrieved from