Heat transfer of the uranium sphere in laminar cooling flow


  • A. Ryspekova
  • Zh. Bolatov
  • S. Kunakov
        61 67


heat transfer, laminar flow, uranium sphere, nuclear reactor, cooling flow.


The key problem in the construction of new geometrical and structural type of nuclear reactor of forth generation is optimized cooler configuration. In the present paper the mathematical model of the uranium sphere located in ntensive neutron flux and streamlined by laminar cooling flow is presented. Detailed picture of the temperature difference and hydrodynamic velocity and its pressure of the cooling flow around the sphere heated inside by nuclear fission reactions are analyzed. The emergency cases in nuclear reactor operation are mainly connected with the cooler heat transfer from active zone, where fuel elements are located to the steam generator when cooler transport is stopped due to unexpected interrup-tion or its leakage. The paper reveals some definite parts of the technical problem from nalyzing it’s ap-pearing to the ways of its full solution.


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How to Cite

Ryspekova, A., Bolatov, Z., & Kunakov, S. (2015). Heat transfer of the uranium sphere in laminar cooling flow. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 45–47. Retrieved from https://ijmph.kaznu.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/117



Theoretical Physics and Plasma Physics