Nonlinear inverse problem of dinamics mix of gas based on the model of cloud formation


  • B. G. Mukanova
  • S. D. Mausumbekova
        52 64


nonlinear inverse problems, nonlinearity parameters, cloud water, reconstruction, microphysical processes, numerical solution, equations of hydrodynamics.


The solution of the inverse problem is to restore the nonlinearity arameters based on some additional information. A new method is resented as an example of a nonlinear inverse problem for a model of the dynamics of the gas mixture based on the models of cloud formation. The unknowns are the parameters of the nonlinearity in the right-hand sides of equations of hydrodynamics. The solving of the inverse problem is to restore the nonlinearity parameters based on some additional formation. Our method is presented as an example of a nonlinear inverse problem for a model of the dynamics of the gas mixture based on the models of cloud formation. The unknowns are the parameters of the nonlinearity in the right-hand sides of equations of hydrodynamics. On the basis of numerical experiments of solving of the direct problem identified flow characteristics that are sensitive to changes in the searching parameters. Then the data bank is formed on the grid of these parameters, which allows to find the best approximation of given set of characteristics.


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How to Cite

Mukanova, B. G., & Mausumbekova, S. D. (2015). Nonlinear inverse problem of dinamics mix of gas based on the model of cloud formation. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 13–18. Retrieved from