Numerical modelling of detached flow around a car body by using large eddy simulation method


  • A. Issakhov
  • Y. Khan
  • N. Temirbekuly
        77 69


Ahmed body, Navier-Stokes equations, finite volume method, Runge-Kutta method, pressure drag.


This paper presents a mathematical model of detached flow around a car body by using large eddy simulation method, which is solved by the equations of Navier - Stokes for an incompressible fluid based on the method of splitting by physical parameters that can be discretize by the control volume method. In the first step it is assumed that the transfer of momentum carried out only by convection and diffusion. Intermediate velocity field is solved by 5-step Runge - Kutta method. At the second stage, the pressure field is solved based on the found intermediate velocity field. The algorithm is parallelized on high-performance systems. The obtained numerical results of three-dimensional detached flow around a car bodyreveals to approximate qualitatively and quantitatively the basic laws of hydrodynamics processes occurring in aerodynamics.


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How to Cite

Issakhov, A., Khan, Y., & Temirbekuly, N. (2015). Numerical modelling of detached flow around a car body by using large eddy simulation method. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 6(1), 8–12. Retrieved from