Rare bs - decays in the covariant quark model


  • S. A. Zhaugasheva
  • G. G. Saidullaeva
  • G. S. Nurbakova
  • N. Khabyl
  • A. K. Bekbaev


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Considering the surge of great interest to the problem of CP violation recently observed in a Bs  Bs system, decays of Bs to D  D and color suppressed decay Bs → J/ψ φ attracted the attention of both theorists and experimentalists. We find new values for the covariant quark model parameters (with built-in infrared confinement) in the meson sector by fitting the leptonic decay constants and a number of electromagnetic decays, and then evaluate in a parameter-free way the form factors of B(Bs) → P(V) transitions within an entire kinematic range of the momentum transfer. Our results are applied to calculating the widths of nonleptonic Bs decays to , * * S S S S S S DD D D  DD  and * * S S D D  . The largest contribution to ΔΓ for s s B  B system comes from these modes. The nonleptonic decay Bs → J/ψφ is also considered. Though this decay mode is color suppressed it has important implications in the search for possible CP-violating novel physics effects in s s B  B mixing.


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How to Cite

Zhaugasheva, S. A., Saidullaeva, G. G., Nurbakova, G. S., Khabyl, N., & Bekbaev, A. K. (2014). Rare bs - decays in the covariant quark model. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 5(2), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.26577/2218-7987-2014-5-2-68-76



Nuclear Physics and Nanotechnology